Never feel like this...
Why i'm missing you...
I never know you......
how can you change my thinking within fraction of seconds...
I was sad , i was worried but you took all my worries by giving smile on my way...
Why i'm not able to forget you in such a busy schedule...
You are still in my mind...
I feel as if i 'm talking to you instantly ...
My words can reach you ...
I'm sure you are also missing me....
How can i be so close to anyone...
I'm wondering ....that i'm walking with you...
I'm sharing my food as well as mood with you...
Be there always with me...
I can only feel you...I'm smiling by reminding you...
And this feeling is just superb!!!
Some satisfaction within me....
Taking fresh breath...feeling relaxed ...
Wanted you to say that i want to see you ...
Wanted to talk to you more and more....
But never able to stand in front of you ...
As your eyes just saying much more than your words...
Never feel like this ...
Feel like blessed ....
GOD knows why we departed and again met ...
only for few moment...
May GOD bless you and fulfill all your dreams...
You've given me a way ...hope you are a messenger of GOD
And this messenger of GOD given me lots of hopes...
With hopes we can get the true effort..
I'll try my best to give happiness to All....
This is my dream...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
My Experiences in the Virtual World
So we all are now habituated to this wonderful virtual world, if not we i believe this is the world where we can get each and everything , this virtual world make everything very very simple...and the most important thing is each and every day some or other update for our better future, yes i agree some bad experiences are also there while coming across this virtual world , but i 've a tendency to pick up the positive experiences...well when i look back to my past i found so many difficulties to achieve each and everything, such as
1.To get information about kids admission in school or college our parents mainly father, as mother used to isolated in side home
,need to take leave and get all the details but now we can get all the details virtually i.e. we can get the contact details and we can talk to the administration section and can get the information about entrance of kids for school and college admission.
2.If we have any symptoms of illness then we can get few details by simply using this virtual world i.e. computer world-google search.Believe my my kid was suffering a lot due to her illness and thanks to this virtual world, through this i sent her report to all the possible places of the beautiful world and at last i got treatment for her illness.
3.Through this virtual world we can get information about any places within fraction of second.
4.Through this virtual world we can preserve our memories and our next generation can get all their information.
5.Through this virtual world we can not only getting technical helps but also few nice hearted people who just ready to help us in our each steps.
6.This virtual world is really safe , but we need to take all the privacy settings so that nobody can misuse us.WE need to judge people through their reply and continue or discard the communication accordingly.
7.Through this virtual world we just communicate really easily with all , as i remembered once i 've some pending policy due and at that hour i just get the solution by communicating with those agency through mail.
8.As i've some major responsibilities i can't go for spiritual classes to few centers but i can get the spiritual thoughts and vedios easily by subscribing to their main center website..
9.I can get many daily fortunes by just clicking few application..this just for fun...
10.I can share my thoughts with all through this virtual world...which my kids can get in future...
11. I can preserve all my creativity ...and lots more
So many things ...if i'll share about this virtual world then i thing i'll keep on writing as each and every day there is some or other things to learn and this is really exciting
1.To get information about kids admission in school or college our parents mainly father, as mother used to isolated in side home
2.If we have any symptoms of illness then we can get few details by simply using this virtual world i.e. computer world-google search.Believe my my kid was suffering a lot due to her illness and thanks to this virtual world, through this i sent her report to all the possible places of the beautiful world and at last i got treatment for her illness.
3.Through this virtual world we can get information about any places within fraction of second.
4.Through this virtual world we can preserve our memories and our next generation can get all their information.
5.Through this virtual world we can not only getting technical helps but also few nice hearted people who just ready to help us in our each steps.
6.This virtual world is really safe , but we need to take all the privacy settings so that nobody can misuse us.WE need to judge people through their reply and continue or discard the communication accordingly.
7.Through this virtual world we just communicate really easily with all , as i remembered once i 've some pending policy due and at that hour i just get the solution by communicating with those agency through mail.
8.As i've some major responsibilities i can't go for spiritual classes to few centers but i can get the spiritual thoughts and vedios easily by subscribing to their main center website..
9.I can get many daily fortunes by just clicking few application..this just for fun...
10.I can share my thoughts with all through this virtual world...which my kids can get in future...
11. I can preserve all my creativity ...and lots more
So many things ...if i'll share about this virtual world then i thing i'll keep on writing as each and every day there is some or other things to learn and this is really exciting
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
My Soulmate
I've shared my closeness with GOD is the content...
Yes my soul really comfortable with my GOD who is my soulmate , as i feel him inside me as a bright light, who is guiding me in my every step,
Each one of us having one soul, and in every birth we just logged in using new appearance as new body but our soul is one, which originates from GOD who is supreme power and controlling all the souls, i was in a dilemma few days back but now my destiny is clear, as now i'm on the way to satisfy my soul and according to supreme soul (GOD) love and purity in thoughts is the first step towards GOD, next step is peace and satisfaction and after wards acceptance and forgiveness...
So we should involved in such works which bring us peace, love, satisfaction, acceptance and most importantly anger free lives...
Do achieve all these no need to do any extra ordinary task, only thing is to guide our behavior towards people around us...
we need to consider that all is having one soul which is the tiniest part of GOD, so every one is having some good as well as bad qualities...
better to consider the good qualities and detach ourselves from the negative thought that - particular person can never change...
think that he is already changed, sometime in past he might behave so badly with you , but sometime in past he/she might help you a lot....
I may not know all the correct procedure to worship GOD but i know how to help people, i know not to hurt others, i know to help others from my core of heart...
May be one day i'll meet GOD, but all the small children whom i show on the road while coming office, while going to drop my kids to their school...i feel they are real face of GOD...So innocent, so pure...I learn since my childhood, where there is purity, there you can find GOD....and if you help others GOD will be always with you and all problems of your life will be easily solved by someone and that some one is GOD--May be Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman, Maa Durga, Maa tarini, Lord Jagarnatha or May be Lord Shiva....
So many names...but GOD is only one and always with me as my soulmate, with whom i used to share all my happiness , all my problems and GOD always show me my way ...really i'm living in magical world...I'm comfortable with my soulmate , my GOD and i want to be always with my soulmate...
I feel whenever our five senses are under control we can have connection with Supreme power GOD and that hour is special hr in our life and to reach that moment we need to be pure with our thoughts and we should completely satisfied and we can satisfy others only when we are satisfied and that's the way open to GOD....
Yes my soul really comfortable with my GOD who is my soulmate , as i feel him inside me as a bright light, who is guiding me in my every step,
Each one of us having one soul, and in every birth we just logged in using new appearance as new body but our soul is one, which originates from GOD who is supreme power and controlling all the souls, i was in a dilemma few days back but now my destiny is clear, as now i'm on the way to satisfy my soul and according to supreme soul (GOD) love and purity in thoughts is the first step towards GOD, next step is peace and satisfaction and after wards acceptance and forgiveness...
So we should involved in such works which bring us peace, love, satisfaction, acceptance and most importantly anger free lives...
Do achieve all these no need to do any extra ordinary task, only thing is to guide our behavior towards people around us...
we need to consider that all is having one soul which is the tiniest part of GOD, so every one is having some good as well as bad qualities...
better to consider the good qualities and detach ourselves from the negative thought that - particular person can never change...
think that he is already changed, sometime in past he might behave so badly with you , but sometime in past he/she might help you a lot....
I may not know all the correct procedure to worship GOD but i know how to help people, i know not to hurt others, i know to help others from my core of heart...
May be one day i'll meet GOD, but all the small children whom i show on the road while coming office, while going to drop my kids to their school...i feel they are real face of GOD...So innocent, so pure...I learn since my childhood, where there is purity, there you can find GOD....and if you help others GOD will be always with you and all problems of your life will be easily solved by someone and that some one is GOD--May be Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman, Maa Durga, Maa tarini, Lord Jagarnatha or May be Lord Shiva....
So many names...but GOD is only one and always with me as my soulmate, with whom i used to share all my happiness , all my problems and GOD always show me my way ...really i'm living in magical world...I'm comfortable with my soulmate , my GOD and i want to be always with my soulmate...
I feel whenever our five senses are under control we can have connection with Supreme power GOD and that hour is special hr in our life and to reach that moment we need to be pure with our thoughts and we should completely satisfied and we can satisfy others only when we are satisfied and that's the way open to GOD....
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Self Respect
Self-respect depends on knowing who I am, knowing my eternal (ageless), spiritual self. When I have found that sense of spiritual identity, I feel I have a right to be here, to exist. Without the spiritual dimension, it is very difficult to really respect myself deeply. In this case, I base my respect on identifying with the superficial (artificial) aspects of my being: looks, gender, success, my life partner, my intelligence. With such artificial identification, I will never have a stable sense of self-respect, because people's opinions change. Today they love me, tomorrow they reject me. What is the result of depending on their opinions? I will end up fluctuating all the time - feeling positive when they say good things, and feeling down when they say negative things. To stay stable in my self-respect, I need to have a deeper understanding of my spiritual identity (the foundation of this being that I am a soul) and tap into those riches that are within me forever, waiting to blossom, like the flower from the seed.
As I become spiritually aware, those riches and resources start flowing out of me. The more stable I am in my self-respect and spirituality, the more I radiate what I truly am. I feel a deep sense of contentment and I am happy to be me, however I am. I accept myself as I am.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Time ....
Time plays a major role ...
In current days all are having problem in their lives , I'm sure no body will be there who is not tensed ...either for this or for that
Tension is part of our life...In current age all trying to do everything quickly ...every body trying to be number-1...well this is good...when there is will...then there is a way...But sometime our mind just confused in certain step ...
few of the basic confusing questions are..............
whether to go this way or to go that way...
whether to accept the situation or get away from the situation...
how to handle with the person whom we are thinking as if he/she is our biggest enemy...
whether we are right or wrong...
why people not understanding my point of view ...
why this thing always happen with me only...
why i'm realizing always at the end...
and Many more....
Do you know here in every question time plays a major certain moment we are very weak in our thinking ...
so we just lost the control over our mind at that hour these type of thinking came in to our mind...Soul is always with positive side and it's our will power ...our main aim is to be peaceful...but mind always trying us to be disturbed...mind wants to enjoy the thing by dragging the situation...but better to get the solution as soon as's the main aim...mind behaves like a child as child can't keep quite better to engage your mind with some useful activities such as reading books, helping needy people, think always that you are a peaceful being who is there to help others...feed the mind with positive thoughts...I know sometime in our mind few negative thoughts come such as if you need to meet someone after a gap..then the rememberence of last meeting will be surely there and if the last meeting was not healthy ...then that thing will be there in your mind... so better think positive about that person..i know this is very difficult ...but try your best all favor whatever you can do for that person...This time he/she might be changed...but let them know that you left the complaining attitude...let them realize that you are bit comfortable with them...try this magic once...
Let me share one story...once there was one governor in one state and he served people with all his effort you can say he did a lot for he was selected to get some award...for that he got his flight ticket ...when he was selected for the award he was already retired...
but before 10 days of the award ceremony he lost his legs in an accident...he was in deep shock...feeling to leave the now he is handicapped and people may laugh for his body will ask him...or every body will say poor man he started avoiding all ...even he scold his wife ...told her to leave him etc...but after few days when he was reading the news-paper he came to know that the respective flight was which he got the ticket...Now his anger and frustration came down...and he felt as if he was the luckiest man in this GOD saved him ...if he went in that flight...then that was might be the last journey of the life...but really he was lucky to get life...he felt as if he got new life...and really happy and again started mingling with others nicely ...
so friends..bad time is always there with every body...but the way we are dealing is the main thing...have control over your emotion...if you are not able to decide silent for little time...let the bad time flows in it's direction'll see everything will be as usual...
so keep your mind stable that's the main thing ...stability is our control factor...we need to get it our own...if the opposite person is not getting us then some problem might be there with our way of thinking ...first realize what we are explaining is that to represent our thoughts clearly...our mind should be clear, and full of pure thoughts...
Time will heal every thing ...if not today then tomorrow....definitely
In current days all are having problem in their lives , I'm sure no body will be there who is not tensed ...either for this or for that
Tension is part of our life...In current age all trying to do everything quickly ...every body trying to be number-1...well this is good...when there is will...then there is a way...But sometime our mind just confused in certain step ...
few of the basic confusing questions are..............
whether to go this way or to go that way...
whether to accept the situation or get away from the situation...
how to handle with the person whom we are thinking as if he/she is our biggest enemy...
whether we are right or wrong...
why people not understanding my point of view ...
why this thing always happen with me only...
why i'm realizing always at the end...
and Many more....
Do you know here in every question time plays a major certain moment we are very weak in our thinking ...
so we just lost the control over our mind at that hour these type of thinking came in to our mind...Soul is always with positive side and it's our will power ...our main aim is to be peaceful...but mind always trying us to be disturbed...mind wants to enjoy the thing by dragging the situation...but better to get the solution as soon as's the main aim...mind behaves like a child as child can't keep quite better to engage your mind with some useful activities such as reading books, helping needy people, think always that you are a peaceful being who is there to help others...feed the mind with positive thoughts...I know sometime in our mind few negative thoughts come such as if you need to meet someone after a gap..then the rememberence of last meeting will be surely there and if the last meeting was not healthy ...then that thing will be there in your mind... so better think positive about that person..i know this is very difficult ...but try your best all favor whatever you can do for that person...This time he/she might be changed...but let them know that you left the complaining attitude...let them realize that you are bit comfortable with them...try this magic once...
Let me share one story...once there was one governor in one state and he served people with all his effort you can say he did a lot for he was selected to get some award...for that he got his flight ticket ...when he was selected for the award he was already retired...
but before 10 days of the award ceremony he lost his legs in an accident...he was in deep shock...feeling to leave the now he is handicapped and people may laugh for his body will ask him...or every body will say poor man he started avoiding all ...even he scold his wife ...told her to leave him etc...but after few days when he was reading the news-paper he came to know that the respective flight was which he got the ticket...Now his anger and frustration came down...and he felt as if he was the luckiest man in this GOD saved him ...if he went in that flight...then that was might be the last journey of the life...but really he was lucky to get life...he felt as if he got new life...and really happy and again started mingling with others nicely ...
so friends..bad time is always there with every body...but the way we are dealing is the main thing...have control over your emotion...if you are not able to decide silent for little time...let the bad time flows in it's direction'll see everything will be as usual...
so keep your mind stable that's the main thing ...stability is our control factor...we need to get it our own...if the opposite person is not getting us then some problem might be there with our way of thinking ...first realize what we are explaining is that to represent our thoughts clearly...our mind should be clear, and full of pure thoughts...
Time will heal every thing ...if not today then tomorrow....definitely
Friday, May 28, 2010
ROASTED GARLIC PRAWNS-Sanjeev Kapoor style
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Kodai -Sunrise
I just want to share few sun -rise snaps...which i took from my hotel room...and yes see the houses located at kodai...
In Kodai ,everything maintained naturally ...nothing is commercialized ...the view is superb...
I enjoyed each and every place there in Kodai....i'll share each and every event slowly .....
In Kodai ,everything maintained naturally ...nothing is commercialized ...the view is superb...
I enjoyed each and every place there in Kodai....i'll share each and every event slowly .....
Thursday, May 6, 2010
My day ....
So it's for my Special Day ...
Yes My B'day ...
Wishing for the first time ....
in my life...
These are flowers i just spare little time with
my pots and made those into small
Whenever i'm looking these i get a sweet smile on my face...
and this is the best gift i ever got in my life time..
So preserved like this ...
Added few flowers and few vedio...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Mother is someone very special , very caring , who can be there with us ,
she is the person, who can inspire us, who can get smile on our face...
who can get that we are tensed by looking at our face....
who can be the best friend ever ....
Somebody told that GOD can't be every where so created mother ...
with all special nature...mother can not only give birth but can protect kid ...
she can compromise for everything in her life but for her kid she can never compromise...
she tries her best for her kids...
whenever we are suffering from pain..the words usually come ...MAA..
This is simply not only a word but also our strength...
but for mother kids are her strength...
blessings of a mother counts a lot ...mother can accept all odds attached with us...
She loves us ...she never shows her love as attachment ...
as attachment is something which needs something in return...
She gives us everything but in return only thing she wants that's our smile...
Mother can share her love with example is Mother Teresa...
In her eyes all were her kids...she did her best in her life time ...and always my inspiration...
Love all and serve All...
she is the person, who can inspire us, who can get smile on our face...
who can get that we are tensed by looking at our face....
who can be the best friend ever ....
Somebody told that GOD can't be every where so created mother ...
with all special nature...mother can not only give birth but can protect kid ...
she can compromise for everything in her life but for her kid she can never compromise...
she tries her best for her kids...
whenever we are suffering from pain..the words usually come ...MAA..
This is simply not only a word but also our strength...
but for mother kids are her strength...
blessings of a mother counts a lot ...mother can accept all odds attached with us...
She loves us ...she never shows her love as attachment ...
as attachment is something which needs something in return...
She gives us everything but in return only thing she wants that's our smile...
Mother can share her love with example is Mother Teresa...

Love all and serve All...
Friday, April 16, 2010
My Ideas
Friends i'm very moody so enjoying my mood with creativity works and sharing few of my creation here ...i'll add my kids creation soon ...check the link below..
My Ideas...

My Ideas...
This One i've created using thormocol, plastic sheet ,shallow tapes and the few pieces of clothes.
This One i've created using thormocol, color paper sheets,decorative papers, plastic sheet ,shallow tapes
All these i've created using thormocol, snap, plastic sheet ,shallow tapes and the few pieces of clothes.
This One i've created match sticks, plane papers,sketch pen ,transparent shallow tapes,red color shallow tapes and few decorative chumki
This One i've created using thormocol, plastic flowers,shallow tapes and the color wrap paper used for gift wrap.
This One i've created using old bangles, decorative chumki, old dupatta clothe,gum and thread.
This painting is done by one of my friend name as Monalisha.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Tension and Reaction
Where you disappeared and suddenly came and ping me ....
but how you found me...i left that place ...that world....
created another world ...but i found one day you are here ....
yes i was waiting for you ...but now after getting you in front of my eyes...
I felt you are no more in my world....
I'm happy with my world...this world is i 've friendship with souls...
This is really strange...i was waiting for this day when i'll get my soul mate ...
where not only our thinking matched but our words too match whenever we wanted to
speak to each other .... but i realized now that my happiness is within me...
No need to get it from outside....feeling as if you are outsider....
Yes till yesterday you are my aim of life...but now what happened to me ...
I'm changed not affected by you....
It took me so many days to come out ....
i'm free...there will be no such reaction as before for your act ...
as i know i need to handle the between these days i 've not only changed myself...
but how you found me...i left that place ...that world....
created another world ...but i found one day you are here ....
yes i was waiting for you ...but now after getting you in front of my eyes...
I felt you are no more in my world....
I'm happy with my world...this world is i 've friendship with souls...
This is really strange...i was waiting for this day when i'll get my soul mate ...
where not only our thinking matched but our words too match whenever we wanted to
speak to each other .... but i realized now that my happiness is within me...
No need to get it from outside....feeling as if you are outsider....
Yes till yesterday you are my aim of life...but now what happened to me ...
I'm changed not affected by you....
It took me so many days to come out ....
i'm free...there will be no such reaction as before for your act ...
as i know i need to handle the between these days i 've not only changed myself...
but also my belief system...i was reacted by my belief system ... i made rectification in that ....
now i'll express only good thoughts ...i put all those ill thoughts to garbage collection.....
Memory is free ...taking fresh on my face...glow on my face....complemented by all ....
Got so many well as so many surprises ...on my way all due to only changing my way of thinking...
Friends tension is there for today's life ...thing is that how we are handling those situation...
AS tension is the outside event and the thing that matters is how we are reacting to that tension...
Take as example in office if boss will scold all the employees ... then the reaction or you can say response by all
those employees will be different every person is different from other ...everybody is having different belief system ...
here the boss will be the outside pressure and reaction by employees are the result...few reacted slightly and few reacted heavily ....
so one thing you can change is to change yourself so that you can face the situation in better way i mean to say if you'll be cool
then only you can take the correct step...
now i'll express only good thoughts ...i put all those ill thoughts to garbage collection.....
Memory is free ...taking fresh on my face...glow on my face....complemented by all ....
Got so many well as so many surprises ...on my way all due to only changing my way of thinking...
Friends tension is there for today's life ...thing is that how we are handling those situation...
AS tension is the outside event and the thing that matters is how we are reacting to that tension...
Take as example in office if boss will scold all the employees ... then the reaction or you can say response by all
those employees will be different every person is different from other ...everybody is having different belief system ...
here the boss will be the outside pressure and reaction by employees are the result...few reacted slightly and few reacted heavily ....
so one thing you can change is to change yourself so that you can face the situation in better way i mean to say if you'll be cool
then only you can take the correct step...
Monday, April 5, 2010
What i feel motherhood is the best part of my life...i went through few stages of my life like my childhood, school days, college life, newly married life ...every stages has it's own charm but i feel motherhood is the best part ....Few i just want to share
from the moment i knew that i'll be mother was the best news ever i had given to me and of course all when i came to know that i'll be having twins was also double joy...all were tensed how i'll handle....but i was happy
Next when i was going for scan and doctors want to see the kids development then one of the baby just not showing her face...then i took two cadbury dairy milk chocolates and then only ...Doctor can see the baby properly...Actually not only my babies but i was also enjoying the taste of the chocolate...
I'll add more here
from the moment i knew that i'll be mother was the best news ever i had given to me and of course all when i came to know that i'll be having twins was also double joy...all were tensed how i'll handle....but i was happy
Next when i was going for scan and doctors want to see the kids development then one of the baby just not showing her face...then i took two cadbury dairy milk chocolates and then only ...Doctor can see the baby properly...Actually not only my babies but i was also enjoying the taste of the chocolate...
I'll add more here
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Chicken Curry (Odisha Style)
Chicken Curry (Odisha Style)
- 1 kg chicken
- 6-8 onions
- 2-3 potatoes
- 2-3 Garlic
- 2-3 inch Ginger
- 2-3 tbsp red chilli powder
- 1-2 tbsp turmeric powder
- 3-4 tbsp cumin powder
- 3-4 tbsp coriander powder
- 2-3 bay leaves
- Dry cinnamon, cloves
- Salt (to taste)
- Garam masala powder
- Coriander leaves
- 200-300 ml oil
- 1/4 tbsp Sugar
- 2 tomatoes
- Cut the chicken according to your preferable size and clean.
- Marinate the chicken using ½ tbsp turmeric powder+ salt to taste + 2tbsp oil
- Potato- make quartered pieces +add salt to taste +1/4 turmeric powder and fry in oil.
- Make 3-4 onion chopped , 2-3 onion paste
- Make ginger –garlic paste(paste should be 2-3 tbsp)
- Heat the oil(150-200ml) in cooking pan.
- Masala-Add ¼ tbsp sugar to the hot oil ,while it ‘ll be of slight brown color add 2-3 bay leaves, 1 small stick cinnamon,2-3 cloves then fry slightly and add chopped onion and fry till the onion turns little brownish, add 1 big chopped tomato(or 2 small tomatoes) + stir little +add prepared ginger garlic paste +fry for 1 min + add 2-3 tbsp coriander powder + 2-3 tbsp cumin powder +1/2 tbsp turmeric powder+ 1 tbsp chilli powder (or add chilli powder to taste)+add onion paste+ add salt to taste and stir +fry in medium flame till the fragrant come or slight oil came out of the fried masala.
- Add Marinated chicken to the masala and stir well + cook for 15-20 min and don’t forget to stir well in the mean time otherwise chicken stick to cooking pan.
- Check in the mean time whether the chicken is fully cooked or not. If it’s cooked the you can eat few dry pieces to taste.
- Add fried potato + to rest of the chicken curry + stir well + add 100-200 ml of water (or add according to your choice) and cover the cooking pan and cook for 5-7 min and stir little in the mid of cooking .
- Add Garam masala powder to the curry + chopped coriander leaves and serve hot .
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Check out India's 'jai ho' girl returns home
I want you to take a look at: India's 'jai ho' girl returns home
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Added Honestly
The Rules to rightfully claim this award are--
1. You must thank the person who gave me the award and list their blog and link it
thanks to Chhaya for tagging me...
AS you told how can i deny Chhaya as your words mean a lot to me :)
2. You must list 10 honest things about yourself
Just trying :) honestly ....
3. You must put a copy of Honest Scrap logo on your blog
Added ...
4. You must select at least 7- 8 other worthy bloggers and list their links
added few
5. You must notify the bloggers of the award and hopefully they will follow the above three requirements also.
10. honest thing about you
1.I'm really simple and love to be simple and you will find a smile always in my face - when i feel something is complicated in somebody's behaviour i just keep quite to avoid
2.I just want to get in touch with all my old friends in fact those friends who are close to me i just be in touch and you can imagine my happiness at that hour :)
3.Missing my father in my all success as he is no more ...feel like as if he is still their to listen my words...
4.I used to talk with few of the virtual friends whose mentality just matched with mine at least once over phone :) I used to wish and give presents to all my near and dear as well as to my friends in their birth day and also in their special occasion.
5.I just Love to write came to this blogging world to express myself ...and will be remain here in the blogging world
6.I've interest in gardening so used to buy plants and love to spend time for their good growth...searching good fertilizer etc.
7.I've weakness towards some hand made decorative i used to invent few decorative things using simple things...i'll add few snaps :), and also i give my design to tailor to make my new dress...
8.If i'm busy for something then my mind take rest only when i finished the task or else i 'm not able to sleep also ...:)...
9.Love to meet my grandmother in my every visit to my native place...her smiling face and sweet voice and her hand made recipes i just love fact i love to help old people...really happy to serve for them :)
10.For me, my kids are every thing and i feel as if i'm also a kid with them i used to preserve their painting, their toys, their teddy bears that when they will grow up they can happy to see those...
I'm tagging abanerji , IdleMind , Zero , inktank , Its my life
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Happiness is such a word which we need to feel ...and happiness mean a lot to all ....
Few of my happiness...
1. When i used to talk to my grand mother...i'm so happy and talking so loudly that i forget where i'm....:)
2. When i used to go out with my family ...i just enjoy each and every moment...
3. When i was kid i love to eat chicken curry made by my mother ...and at that hour i was so happy that it take only 2-3 min to finish my food..
4. I was so happy when my father presented me one bi-cycle...tears came :)
5. I was so happy when i got my class 10 th result as my result sheet was missing from school and in result book let my result was there ....
6. I was so happy when i got highest marks in few of the subjects in school ....
7. I was so happy when i got my first present for my write up ....
8. I was so happy when i came to know that i got good Rank in JEE exam
9.I was so happy when my father was happy to distribute sweets for my success in JEE exam
10. I was so happy when i came to know that i'll be mother
11. I was so happy when my kids called me MAMA for the first time
12.I was so happy when my kids started their activities ...
13. I was so happy when my kids perform first time in stage...
i listed few ....share few of yours :)
Few of my happiness...
1. When i used to talk to my grand mother...i'm so happy and talking so loudly that i forget where i'm....:)
2. When i used to go out with my family ...i just enjoy each and every moment...
3. When i was kid i love to eat chicken curry made by my mother ...and at that hour i was so happy that it take only 2-3 min to finish my food..
4. I was so happy when my father presented me one bi-cycle...tears came :)
5. I was so happy when i got my class 10 th result as my result sheet was missing from school and in result book let my result was there ....
6. I was so happy when i got highest marks in few of the subjects in school ....
7. I was so happy when i got my first present for my write up ....
8. I was so happy when i came to know that i got good Rank in JEE exam
9.I was so happy when my father was happy to distribute sweets for my success in JEE exam
10. I was so happy when i came to know that i'll be mother
11. I was so happy when my kids called me MAMA for the first time
12.I was so happy when my kids started their activities ...
13. I was so happy when my kids perform first time in stage...
i listed few ....share few of yours :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Lots Of Doubts.....
No Doubt life is a struggle....if we just successfully get over one problem another problem is knocking our door is like this...there is no such day where we don't have new experiences...realizing now that in each and every step just make us to learn something new...sometime i just want to be relaxed and finding me at that time facing lots of difficulties to survive in this world...why situations are like this...and also after the problem got solved i just feel as if that is not at all problem ..that was just part of day to day life....
we came across lots of people in our life time and we just get closure to few of them and when we are just feeling that the person is not caring for us then lots of pain in our mind but later i feel as if it's his/her decision ...why i just want him/ her to decide in our favor ...Any ways now i came to know that life is a dream and better to forget /ignore all those silly things life is only for few days in this beautiful earth ...when ever i just getting negative response from my near and dear one then i can get that he/she is not in a good mood and trying to show me his/her that i can help him or her ...and i used to help as by helping i realize that he /she is more and more closure to stupid i'm took me so long to realize this fact ...
GOD knows i'm wrong or write ...ohhh lots of doubts in my mind ....:), but enjoying the journey of life...
we came across lots of people in our life time and we just get closure to few of them and when we are just feeling that the person is not caring for us then lots of pain in our mind but later i feel as if it's his/her decision ...why i just want him/ her to decide in our favor ...Any ways now i came to know that life is a dream and better to forget /ignore all those silly things life is only for few days in this beautiful earth ...when ever i just getting negative response from my near and dear one then i can get that he/she is not in a good mood and trying to show me his/her that i can help him or her ...and i used to help as by helping i realize that he /she is more and more closure to stupid i'm took me so long to realize this fact ...
GOD knows i'm wrong or write ...ohhh lots of doubts in my mind ....:), but enjoying the journey of life...
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